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Priority shopping given to at-risk and senior members on Mondays 1-3pm
July 2016 Newsletter
Welcome to Greene Hill Food Co-Op's Newsletter
July 2016
Catching You Up on Co-Op News
On June 29th, The Greene Hill Food Co-op received a notice of lease termination effective Sept 30, 2016. In accordance with our lease this can only be done subject to a contract sale for the building. We are currently investigating the facts of this notice and verification. Assuming verification of a contract of sale, we intend to negotiate with the new owners to remain at our current location once more information becomes apparent.
The Greene Hill Food Co-op is dedicated to serving the Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, Bedford Stuyvesant, Prospect Heights, and Crown Heights communities. We are committed to providing ethically sourced, socially responsible food products to the neighborhood, and to remaining in the community. We intend to keep our members informed of and engaged in any developments in a timely manner. We shall continue to operate as usual.
We will be speaking about this matter further at our next Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 27, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, at the Co-op, 18 Putnam Ave.
Despite the lease termination notice, we are still accepting new members. We have developed a modified temporary membership, the Zucchini Plan! AND for those ready to fully commit, we're waiving the $25 administrative fee on Avocado and Lettuce membership plans. Click here to join through either of those plans.
New to the Co-op? Want to know more about how we work? The next New Member Orientation will be Saturday, August 6 at 11:00 at the Co-op.
Get to know our next-door neighbor, Hartley’s, and take advantage of their participation in our Win-Win-Win program (freshly baked Irish soda bread, anyone?).
Stock up on summer produce and throw some lettuce on the grill for this tasty romaine and pickled onion salad. Ever wondered about tempeh? Or who Barry is? Check our our Product Spotlight and all will be revealed!
In this month’s Co-op Q&A meet long-time member Seth Kahn. Then check out the latest in our new Social Justice in Brooklyn section of the newsletter.
Looking for a new way to fulfill your work shift requirement? Want to pick up an extra shift? Check out the Help Wanted section. The Co-op is seeking folks with a range of interests and skills, including designers, writers, developers, and people who can help take inventory and keep our finances in order.
We’re excited to announce a new membership plan option: the Zucchini Plan! This new plan is a supercharged version of the trial membership and it will only cost you a $25 non-refundable administration fee.
The Zucchini Plan gives you a six month membership to the co-op (from the signup date), with full shopping rights, a voice in the future of the co-op, and no investment requirement. The only thing that’s required is that you attend a new member orientation and fulfil the standard work shift requirement of 2.5 hours every 4 weeks.
At the end of six months, you can elect to continue your membership by paying the $150 investment with one of our other plans or you can discontinue your membership with no strings attached.
The Zucchini Plan is a perfect opportunity to really get a sense of what the Co-op is all about. Shop, work and be involved in your community co-op!
This plan will be offered for a limited time only, so act fast and CLICK HERE to sign up!
What’s Up Next at the Co-op?
Our next Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, July 27, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, at the Co-op (18 Putnam Avenue). Check out the agenda here. Meetings are open to ALL members. At this month’s meeting, we’ll be discussing our lease situation.
Give Your Books for Good
Mayday Community Space is an organizing center in Bushwick, located at 176 St. Nicholas Avenue. It provides space for local residents and community-based organizations citywide to collaborate, learn, and celebrate together. Mayday also works with community organizers to amplify neighborhood issues such as immigrant rights, food justice, tenant protections, gentrification, and displacement, as well as broader global issues such as climate justice and Internet freedom. Mayday is looking to build its new library of social justice-oriented books. If you have any to donate, please contact info@maydayspace.org. Books in Spanish and books for children are very welcome, too!
Welcome Hartley’s to our WIN-WIN-WIN Program!
Hartley’s is Brooklyn's homiest Irish bar located at 14 Putnam Ave (right next door!!). At Hartley’s they take pride in providing the warmth of Irish hospitality, great quality products, and a place where neighbors can meet and chat in their cozy shebeen. Their food menu consists of the best locally-sourced, fresh ingredients and daily baked Irish soda bread, offering an American take on Irish comfort food. They serve a vast array of drinks, including local craft beer, well crafted cocktails and premium liquor.
Now, as a partner of our Win-Win-Win Program, all Greene Hill members can receive a free order of their Irish soda bread when they spend $15. So say hello to our neighbor! Happy hour is weekdays from 4 pm to 7 pm, and there’s live traditional Irish music every Monday at 8.30 pm. Stop by for a pint and some fresh Irish soda bread!
If YOU Run A Local Business And Would Like To Participate In Our Win-Win-Win Program, Please Contact Outreach@Greenehillfood.Coop.
Product Spotlight: Barry’s Tempeh
If you’ve spent time working or shopping in our freezers, you may have noticed Barry's Tempeh. And if you've been to food-related events around New York City, you may have met Barry himself. Barry was a cook at a Buddhist temple and, after years of practice, perfected his tempeh recipe. A Brooklyn native, he came back to the city to share what he created: the only fresh tempeh in New York.
So what is tempeh? The production of tempeh started in Indonesia about 200 years ago. Like tofu, it’s traditionally made from soybeans -- but it’s something different. While tofu is made from soy milk and coagulated to stay together, tempeh uses the whole soybean and is fermented, which means it has added health benefits like more fiber, protein and healthy bacteria. Barry's Tempeh also makes tempeh that is soy-free using white beans, azuki beans and grains (which are also fermented).
Typically, commercial tempeh is pasteurized, which stops the fermentation process and kills the healthy bacteria. Unlike commercial tempeh, Barry's Tempeh comes frozen instead of pasteurized. Freezing it slows down the fermentation process but doesn’t kill the live culture, and it can stay fresh in the freezer for up to nine months. Tempeh should be cooked -- not eaten raw -- and it’s best to keep Barry’s Tempeh frozen until you are ready to cook it.
How should you make it? To defrost, leave the tempeh out at room temperature for an hour or two, or in the refrigerator overnight. If you don’t want to use the whole portion, you can refreeze the rest. Cut the tempeh into cubes, medallions, burgers or slices. If you’re frying it, it's nice for the inside to still be a little frosty just before you cook it in order to get the best texture.
To fry, heat oil in a pan on high and then saute the tempeh for 2 to 3 minutes. You can also marinate and then bake the tempeh in the oven at 300 degrees for about a half an hour. If you like your tempeh crispy, you can sear it on each side for a few minutes in a hot skillet after oven-baking it.
1 T oil (sunflower, safflower, coconut or grapeseed to be suitable for high heat)
Put ingredients in a food processor and mix until blended. Add water if it's too salty. Marinate the tempeh for 10 to 15 minutes on each side before baking. Enjoy!
Grilled Romaine Salad with Pickled Red Onions
Recipe by Molly Neuman
I’ve scoffed many times at the idea of grilled salad, but when we were making plans for the 4th, I thought I’d give it a try and really enjoyed the result. The slight smokiness of the grill on the hearty romaine leaves adds some sweetness when paired with the tang of the pickled onion. With the dijon vinaigrette, it’s a killer combo. So many things could make this fancier, but I think it was a hit on it’s own!
This recipe makes four to six servings.
Cost estimate: $5 in total--or about a buck a serving!
3 hearts of romaine½ medium red onion
4 T sherry vinegar
2 T dijon mustard
4 T olive oil (+ 2 to brush on romaine leaves)
2 t Salt
Rinse and pat dry hearts of romaine. Brush lightly with olive oil and grill for about 30 seconds on each side or until you have a slight char on the outer leaves. Remove and set aside. Roughly chop once cooled.
Thinly slice half a red onion and toss in salt and vinegar. Set aside for at least an hour. Drain vinegar from onions and combine 2 tablespoons of the vinegar with 2 tablespoons of mustard. Slowly whisk in the olive oil until vinaigrette is emulsified. Season with salt and pepper.
Toss the romaine with vinaigrette, garnish with pickled onions and serve. You’ll likely have some onions left over but they make pretty much everything taste better!
The Co-op Q&A with Seth Kahn
This month we interviewed Seth Kahn, a Co-op cashier who enjoys teaching, baking, and hitting up our local beaches.
Q: What do you do for work and fun?A:
I teach chemistry and forensic science to high schoolers with language-based learning disabilities. For fun, I like to bake, go to the beach, read, and watch Netflix.
Q: When did you join the Co-op and what were some of your reasons for joining?A:
I joined about three years ago. I wanted to support the local community and work on expanding my palate. I used to live very close to the Co-op but recently moved to Prospect Lefferts Gardens.
Q: What is your role at the Co-op right now?A:
I’m a cashier.
Q: Where would you like to see the Co-op in five years? Ten years?A:
I'd like to see the Co-op expand what we sell. I'd like us to keep our small store charm.
Q: What are some of your favorite Co-op foods or items?A:
I really like the Three Little Birds ice cream and the apple cider donuts (I blame Keith).
Q: What will you be cooking this summer?A:
Last summer I got really into making pesto and I'm looking forward to the return of basil.
Social Justice in Brooklyn
This new section of the newsletter is meant to draw attention to and support for social justice work that’s happening in our city, borough, and neighborhoods. It will spotlight campaigns, movements, events, organizations, and groups whose work is the elimination of racial, economic, health, food, and other injustices that affect our members and neighbors and that make participation in our cooperative prohibitive.
FUREE stands for Families United for Racial and Economic Equality. It’s a Brooklyn-based, multi-racial, grassroots organization, led mostly by women of color. It organizes low-income and working-class families to fight racism, classism, and sexism. FUREE’s catchment areas include Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, and Bedford-Stuyvesant. FUREE believes that “those directly affected by the policies we are seeking to change should lead the organization because they are the true experts.”
On Thursday, July 14, 6:30pm-8pm, FUREE will be hosting a Permanent Exclusion Panel Discussion, location TBD. “Panelists and audience will explore NYCHA’s current policies that evict and permanently exclude residents and their families based on an arrest without the benefit of due process. Attendees will learn the current policies, their impact on homelessness and housing insecurity, as well as the current policy reform recommendations put forth by a city-wide coalition of organizations and legal groups.”
FUREE also hosts monthly general meetings to update its membership on campaign work, future plans, and how they can get involved. This is open to the public unless otherwise stated. FUREE’s next General Meeting is on Wednesday, July 20, 5 pm to 7 pm, location TBD.
RSVP to Shatia Strother, Program Coordinator, by calling 718.852.2960 (office) or 646.678.2546 (cell), or emailing her at shatia@furee.org. And you can find more information and updates on FUREE’s Facebook page or on Twitter: @FUREEous.
We also wanted to report back on the Trans Day of Action (TDOA), which was spotlighted in last month’s newsletter and took place on Friday, June 24. The Greene Hill Food Co-op showed its support not only by showing up, but by contributing a member-funded box of food for the organizers (namely the Audre Lorde Project). In the words of one of ALP’s staff members, Ileana Mendez-Peñate, “TDOA was a huge success, with over 2,000 community members taking to the streets! The snacks you donated made a huge difference to the 80+ volunteers that were holding down wellness and community safety support throughout the march, and by the end of the event, there wasn't a crumb left!”
Thank you to the Co-op members who made this possible: those who donated, facilitated the donations, and delivered them on the Trans Day of the Action! A box for (cash) donations to the Audre Lorde Project can be found at the Co-op registers until the end of July.
Help Wanted
All members work a 2½ hour shift every 4 weeks. It's part of being a member/owner. Here are some opportunities to earn work credit.
IT Committee in Urgent Need of PHP/LAMP Stack Developer!The IT Committee is looking for help with the Co-op’s public facing website (www.greenehillfood.coop) as well as our internal systems, including our CRM and Shift Planning. If you have skills with PHP, Drupal, MySQL and CRMs (we use CiviCRM), then we could use your expertise. This work can be done remotely and is critical to ongoing success of our Co-op. For further information, email Chad Donnick, membership@greenehillfood.coop.
Seeking Designers & Writers for New Membership Campaign!Help us design an outreach campaign to engage new members to join the Co-op community! We’re looking for writers, designers, community organizers, and people with experience in event planning and marketing. Working for the Marketing and Outreach Committees are a great way to get your shift credits from home, or have more flexible hours. Email marketing@greenehillfood.coop to help out.
Seeking Finance Committee Members
If you have an interest in being involved in the day-to-day financial operations or finance strategy for the Co-op, please email finance@greenehillfood.coop.
Finance Office Assistant Shifts AvailableInterested in doing some office work at the store? Your role would focus on handling invoices and entering data into our accounting software. You'd get all the training and guidance you need, while working at a dedicated Finance desk and computer, and you'd be helping the Co-op produce financial statements on a regular basis. You can set your own hours! Please email officeassistant@greenehillfood.coop if you'd like to join us.
Merchandising Committee Needs New MembersInterested in how food ends up on the Co-op shelves each week? Join us and make the magic happen.
This position requires a 2½ hour monthly commitment (like any regular work shift), including attending one monthly meeting of 1½ hours. You’ll take inventory and order one key product from a small, local vendor like Mu Mu Muesli or Bridge tofu and seitan. If interested, email merchandising@greenehillfood.coop.
Et cetera
Credits: Check-out photo by K. Chauvin via the Greene Hill Co-op Flickr page, tempeh photo by Shannon Sodano, romaine salad pic by Molly Neuman, Seth Kahn photo courtesy of himself, FUREE image courtesy of FUREE.
The Greene Hill Food Co-op Newsletter is edited and published by (in alphabetical order) Carola Burroughs, Sonia Garbes Putzel, DK Holland, Alexandra (Aly) Miller, Amy Nazer, Molly Neuman, Shannon Sodano, Alejandro Varela, and Gitta Zomorodi. Contact us with any feedback, suggestions, or requests at newsletter@greenehillfood.coop.
Join and/or follow the Greene Hill Food-Op!Interested in joining the Greene Hill Food Co-op? Check out our website to learn about membership, Like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. Or simply stop by our store at 18 Putnam Avenue (off Grand Avenue) with any questions!