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Priority shopping given to at-risk and senior members on Mondays 1-3pm
October 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to Greene Hill Food Co-Op's Newsletter
October 2017
Catching You Up on Co-Op News
Elections for the Board of Directors will happen this month. You can vote at the General Meeting on October 25 or cast your electronic ballot (coming to your inbox soon). If you’re interested in taking on a leadership position, it’s not too late to nominate yourself!
Check out our Social Justice Spotlight for ways to stand in solidarity with Puerto Rico and to learn about a controversial plan to build one of Brooklyn’s tallest buildings at 80 Flatbush Avenue.
Nomination Results and Upcoming Vote: Board of Directors
We didn’t reach a quorum of our membership at September’s Annual Meeting, so we’re preparing an electronic ballot for our Board of Directors election instead. Please keep an eye out for an email with a link to the Board of Directors ballot. This will arrive in your inbox about one week before our October 25 General Meeting. If you prefer to vote in person, please join us for the October 25 meeting.
Currently, we have three vacant seats and three nominees to fill them. Want to know more about our nominees? Full bios will be included in your electronic ballot.
Our current nominees are:
Christopher Gollmar, member-owner and interim Board member
Matthew Talmage, member-owner and relocation team member
Christina Travers, member-owner and interim Board member
Members of all committees will be coming together for a mini-retreat on the afternoon of Saturday, October 28. Many all-committee meetings in the past have focused on committee members sharing updates about the projects they’ve been working on. This meeting, however, will focus on one theme: how to work together to improve our revenue.
It’s been about a year since we opened our doors seven days a week — a move that has significantly boosted our sales — but we know we can do more. The goal of this meeting is to bring together all of our skills and creativity to build a plan that will put ourselves in the best possible financial position for our eventual move.
If you are a committee member and have not yet heard about this meeting, please mark your calendar for Saturday, October 28. The Co-op will provide lunch at 12:30, and the meeting will be from 1 to 4.
Update on Relocation and Future Plans
As noted in the Board’s August 23 email to members, we have paused our relocation plans and will continue to operate from our current store location. Our continued tenancy at 18 Putnam Avenue gives us the opportunity to strengthen our many assets, which will put us on the best possible footing once we find a new location, or are able to make concrete plans to partner with other co-ops. We are among a very small group of 100% working member-owned food coops in the country, and we can all pitch in to strengthen our core business.
Relocation is still a strong possibility that we need to be prepared for, and we remain open to finding a new home within our current neighborhood. You can still help us scout out potential locations. Member-owners can use the script in our relocation folder to contact commercial property owners on the Co-op’s behalf to collect key details about potential nearby locations.
Please note: Due to space limitations in our area we hope to eventually continue to search east of our current location, such as in Bed-Stuy or Crown Heights. However, we will only do so with thorough collaboration with local community organizers and institutions like the Central Brooklyn Food Coop.
Membership Committee Support Needed
There are new openings on the Membership Committee! This is a fun way to get to know new members and to help orient them to the Co-op! First and most important, we’re seeking a new Membership Committee Chair. This position requires an organized, dedicated person who is willing to play a project manager-type role: helping ensure that committee members are on top of recurring administrative tasks, and starting new initiatives to improve or change the membership processes. Someone with an outgoing personality and some tech-savvy to learn the various systems we use to track membership data would thrive in this role.
We are also seeking reliable new committee members to help with administrative tasks and/or conducting monthly new member orientations. The administrative tasks include adding new member information to our systems, answering emails, sending new member welcome emails, special projects and more! Since much of can be done remotely, it’s a great way to earn work shift credits from home.
Finance Committee Support Needed
Are you a numbers person? The Finance Committee is looking for your help! We need people to be involved in the day-to-day financial operations or finance strategy for the Co-op. If you have experience preparing financial statements (specifically, cash flow statements) and/or updating Quickbooks, let us know by emailing finance@greenehillfood.coop. The commitment is roughly two to four hours per month and counts toward your work shift hours.
Outreach Committee Seeking New Leadership
This is a great opportunity to get involved with the community by creating awareness about the Co-op! The Outreach Committee is seeking a new chair or chairs to lead outreach initiatives such as organizing quarterly open houses for non-members, organizing a team for tabling and canvassing, and collaborating with local organizations and businesses. Click here to learn more about the goals of the Outreach Committee.
Ideal candidates would have some experience organizing events and a passion for connecting with the community and fostering relationships. Some administration/communications skills (email, Google docs, etc.) and the ability to collaborate with other Committees on specific projects are necessary. If you’re interested, please contact Jill Hoffman at jillhoff@gmail.com for more information.
Product Spotlight: DIY Bulk Trail Mix
by Aly Miller
Instead of reaching for sugar-laden Kind Bars or Cliff Bars, give into your afternoon snack cravings with something that’s actually really good for you, and easy to prepare. Co-op member (and one of the Greene Hill Food Co-op original members!) DK Holland, recently sent me her recipe for Bulk Section Trail Mix, which looked so good that I decided to make my own batch.
Her mix includes bulk section standbys like pumpkin seeds, dried (unsweetened) cranberries, cashews, and almonds. For extra sweetness, you can add dark chocolate chips, which are in our baking section. I improvised a bit and threw in sunflower seeds a few chocolate-covered pretzels, a Co-op treat I can’t pass up. And right next to the bulk bins you can find other delicious additions like crystallized ginger, dried cherries, and pistachios. All of the dried goods in this section are carefully sourced and selected for their sustainable growing methods and fair price points.
Once you’ve made your own custom blend of Co-op trail mix, you can take pride in the service you’re doing your body. Pumpkin seeds are full of fiber and omega-3s, which help you lose weight and get rid of fat. Dried cranberries are known for anti-inflammatory properties and prevent a number of diseases. Plus they’re high in vitamins C, A and K. Brain-boosting cashews and almonds help bone health, prevent heart disease and strengthen the immune system. Finally, dark chocolate lowers your risk of heart disease, and includes over 50% of your daily magnesium, copper, manganese, and iron.
You can’t go wrong with this low-sugar, energizing snack. Decrease your reliance on excessive packaging, unsustainable food processing, and unhealthy additives by opting to buy in bulk!
Herb Sauces: Chimichurri, Cilantro Yogurt, Raw Basil Pesto
Recipe by Molly Neuman
Herb sauces are fantastic condiments and can transform a ho-hum meal into something sensational. These three sauces are good uses for extra herbs you may have on hand, and will store well in tightly sealed jars in the fridge. The pesto can be frozen for later use.
While this sauce is best known as a condiment for Argentinian steak, it's amazing with vegetables (asparagus, grilled zucchini) and is also a wonderful marinade for tofu, tempeh, chicken or fish.
½ bunch (about a cup firmly packed) fresh flat-leaf parsley, stems trimmed
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 t dried oregano
⅓ cup olive oil
2 T red or white wine vinegar
½ t sea salt
⅛ t black pepper
¼ t red pepper flakes
Finely chop the parsley and blend with oregano and garlic. Place in a small bowl and stir in olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Adjust the seasonings to your preference. Serve immediately or refrigerate. If you refrigerate the sauce, return it to room temperature before serving.
Cilantro Yogurt
This sauce brightens anything it's served with. I prefer to use a thicker yogurt such as Greek or Scandinavian, but any fat level will work.
½ bunch (about a cup) firmly packed fresh cilantro, stems trimmed
1 cup yogurt
1 clove garlic, minced
Half a lemon, zested and juiced
½ t salt
½ t pepper
¼ t cumin
Finely chop cilantro or mince in a food processor. Combine with the other ingredients and adjust the seasoning to taste.
Raw Basil Pesto
Many classic pestos include parmesan. Feel free to add it to this recipe if you wish, but it's not necessary! This pesto is so great on sandwiches, in eggs, as a marinade or for adding flavor to any protein.
1 bunch (about a cup, loosely packed) fresh basil
1 cup pine nuts (other nuts or seeds can be substituted, you may need additional oil to get the desired consistency)
5 cloves garlic
1 lemon zested (only the zest, not the juice)
⅓ cup olive oil
¾ t salt
½ t black pepper
In a food processor, combine the basil, pine nuts, garlic and lemon zest until a paste forms. Slowly add olive oil until the mixture is smooth. (You can add a little water if you prefer your pesto thinner.) Add salt and pepper and adjust to your taste as needed.
Social Justice Spotlight: Solidarity with Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico es una de las cuántas zonas sufriendo a causa del clima extremo—además del racismo, colonialismo, y capitalismo—y necesita nuestro apoyo. Aquí hay una lista de organizaciones y grupos comprometidos a la lucha para sustentar y reconstruir. Si estás en posición para ayudar, considéralo por favor.
Puerto Rico is one of many areas suffering as a result of extreme climate—as well as racism, colonialism, and capitalism—and it needs our help. Below are a list of organizations and groups who are doing the work of sustaining and rebuilding. If you are able to support, please consider doing so.
From our friends at Fort Greene Peace: in the works is a development project to build one of the tallest buildings in Brooklyn—potentially, the sixth tallest overall in NYC. The two high-rise towers planned—one is 74 stories; the other, 38—will have implications for available school seats, public transit, and access to other basic resources in New York City. The Brooklyn Paper has more information about what the project entails. There is a petition to oppose it.
Help Wanted
All members work a 2½ hour shift every 4 weeks. It's part of being a member/owner. Here are some opportunities to earn work credit.
Finance Office Assistant Shifts Available Interested in doing some office work at the store? Your role would focus on handling invoices and entering data into our accounting software. You'll get all the training and guidance you need, while working at a dedicated Finance desk and computer, and you'd be helping the Co-op produce financial statements on a regular basis. You can set your own hours! Please email officeassistant@greenehillfood.coop if you'd like to join us.
Governance Committee Seeks New Members
Feel strongly about the sustainability of this community? Interested in the how and why of organizations? Have any experience developing resilient groups? The Governance Committee in looking for new members with interest and experience in any of the above. We run the Co-op's elections, advise the Board of Directors on the by-laws, and work in the interest of fairness and transparency for all Co-op members. Upcoming projects include the Fall elections for the Board and re-working our bylaws to better suit this growing cooperative of member-owners. Anyone interested is encouraged to get in touch: governance@greenehillfood.coop.
HR Committee seeking member(s)
The Co-op is looking for a member or members to join the human resources committee. Duties include: processing payroll one time a month, filing W-2s, and coordinator support (e.g. availability to discuss workplace concerns one-on-one, conduct evaluations and support work planning). Preferred qualifications: HR experience and a strong analysis of systems of oppression. Please email store@greenehillfood.coop with a few sentences about why you’re interested in the role and what experience/skills you would bring to it!
Inventory Committee Members Needed!
The Inventory Committee links Merchandising and Finance, and has a foot in both worlds. This particular role involves becoming an expert in Revel systems.The data in Revel feeds into our financial reporting to help us keep the business sound, and provides important information and analysis to the Merchandising Committee when they make decisions about what to buy for our store. It also supports cashiers so that everything scans correctly at the point of sale.
The key to all of this is excellent data integrity—and we need a few more experts! The weekly receiving and counting tasks require a shift in the store, but it’s not a set time, so it’s also great if you need something slightly more flexible! This role requires sitting at the computer and is very detail oriented.
The IT Committee is looking for help with the Co-op’s public-facing website (www.greenehillfood.coop) as well as our internal systems, including our CRM and Shift Planning. If you have skills with PHP, Drupal, MySQL and CRMs (we use CiviCRM), then we could use your expertise. This work can be done remotely and is critical to ongoing success of our co-op. For further information, email Chad Donnick at membership@greenehillfood.coop.
Et cetera
Photo credits: trail mix pic by Aly Miller, cilantro yogurt photo by Molly Neuman; Fall squash photo and Co-op picture from our Facebook page—we’d like to know by whom so we can credit them!
The Greene Hill Food Co-op Newsletter is edited and published by (in alphabetical order) Carola Burroughs, Sonia Garbes Putzel, DK Holland, Alexandra (Aly) Miller, Molly Neuman, Shannon Sodano Heffernan, Alejandro Varela, and Gitta Zomorodi. Contact us with any feedback, suggestions, or requests at newsletter@greenehillfood.coop.
Join and/or follow the Greene Hill Food-Op!
Interested in joining the Greene Hill Food Co-op? Check out our website to learn about membership, Like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. Or simply stop by our store at 18 Putnam Avenue (off Grand Avenue) with any questions!